Recovery Institute of Southwest Michigan facebook link
Click on the blue colored links to download materials.

A comprehensive guide to community resources available in Kalamazoo County.

Help is on the other end of the line. 211 help line. Dispute resolution services. Suicide prevention services. Much more....

Cool things to do in Area Code 269. A list of recreation and entertainment opportunities in Southwest Michigan.

Learn to more effectively influence the government and learn basic information about your newly elected Michigan government officials.

The National Wellness Action Plan details key elements and barriers to wellness and highlights innovative programs that successfully promoted wellness and reduced early mortality in a variety of populations.

Kalamazoo Job Preparation Workshops. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities—Michigan Relay Center 1-800-649-3777 (Voice and TTY).

Whether you are someone with Bipolar -or- someone supporting a family member/friend with Bipolar -or- someone who wants more information about Bipolar Disorder, we want to hear from YOU!